Memorial Services
Memorial Service Video is not inappropriate.
Some may think it odd, or even distasteful, to have video cameras present at a funeral, but there are some valid reasons for memorial service video.
A memorial service is a celebration of life. People who rarely get the opportunity to gather together do so to honor a person that they all cared about. Rememberances are shared and stories are told. It is the ultimate tribute to a loved one, one worthy of capturing as a lasting memorial.
Often times, if the deceased is older, his or her contemporaries may not be able to travel to attend. By videotaping the service and posting it online, these people will be able to see and hear what they would otherwise have had to miss.
An outdoor military memorial service.
Indoor funeral service with casket present.
Indoor funeral service with casket present.
Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation for your video project.
Treasured Memories Video
55 Elk Drive
Bedford, NH 03110
(603) 566-3075
[email protected]
Copyright 2025 – David Waldman
Copyright 2025 – David Waldman