Digitizing And Transfers

Tape and film digitizing and transfers

When was the last time you were able to watch your old home movies? Technology changes, and what was once state-of-the-art is now obsolete. It’s frustrating, because so many memories are locked away in those old VHS tapes and movie reels. We can help you unlock those memories and allow you to relive them once more.

  • We offer free pick-up and delivery.
  • We do all of the work ourselves. Your media doesn’t leave our possession until it’s returned to you.
  • We guarantee to get the best image possible from your media. If you can find someone who can do it better, we will refund your money.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

"I trusted Dave the minute I saw him! He had good ideas and was very affordable, too. My memories are very important to me and I liked the personal touch of meeting the person that was going to transfer the old family VHS to digital media. It was a big deal. I liked working with a local business, not some big giant company where no one would care. He was more affordable, too! You know you have been meaning to get those VHS tapes transferred. DO IT, memories really can last a lifetime when you Treasure your Memories! Dave will preserve your treasures. Thank you Dave!"
Video tape cassettes for digitizing and transfers
Angela K.
"Thank you very much for your home-movie transfer services! You have made my family very happy, and have reminded me just how bad my wardrobe was in the early 1970's. My sister lives in Dallas and doesn't get to come back to New Hampshire very often, but you helped to make her day/week/month/year. She called in tears from laughing so much!"
Steve Gamlin
Steve G.

Videotapes … $27 per tape
Videos will be delivered as a digital download of .mp4 files. Thumb drives and DVDs are available for an additional charge. If DVDs are requested, no more than 2 hours will be put on a single DVD.

8mm or Super 8 Film … $0.27 per foot (about $4.50 per minute)
3″ reel = 50 feet = about 3 minutes
5″ reel = 200 feet = about 12 minutes
6″ reel = 300 feet = about 18 minutes
7″ reel = 400 feet = about 24 minutes

Videos will be delivered as a digital download of .mp4 files. Thumb drives and DVDs are available for an additional charge. If DVDs are requested, no more than 2 hours will be put on a single DVD.

16mm Film … $0.27 per foot (about $9.72 per minute)
Videos will be delivered as a digital download of .mp4 files. Thumb drives and DVDs are available for an additional charge. If DVDs are requested, no more than 2 hours will be put on a single DVD.

The above prices do not include any editing or added music.

Audio Transfers (cassette tape or record album) … $27 each
Songs will be separated into individual files. Audio will be delivered as a digital download of .mp3 files. Thumb drives and CDs are available for an additional charge.

Audio Transfers (reel-to-reel audio tape) … $27 per track (audio tape can have up to 4 tracks)
Audio will be delivered as a digital download of .mp3 files. Thumb drives and CDs are available for an additional charge.

Video on DVD … $16 per DVD
Audio on CD … $16 per CD
Video or Audio on thumb drive* … $16 per drive
* For thumb drives up to 64 GB. For larger drives, drives will be purchased for your project and the cost will be passed on to you with no markup.

Custom Editing … $130 per hour
Including, but not limited to, video editing, background music, custom DVD menus and chapters, custom DVD label and case graphics, still photos, and narration.

Video or Audio Cassette repair … $38 per cassette

Transferring media from DVD … $14 each
Transferring media from Floppy Disk (3 ¼”) … $14 each
Transferring media from Memory card … $14 each

Treasured Memories Video will take every precaution to ensure the safety of your media.  However, we cannot accept responsibility for any damage due to age.  Nor can we accept responsibility for the quality of the images or sound on your media.  Thank you for your understanding.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation for your video project.

Treasured Memories Video
55 Elk Drive
Bedford, NH 03110
(603) 566-3075
[email protected]

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Copyright 2025 – David Waldman

Copyright 2025 – David Waldman